Sunday, August 7, 2011

New born baby girl

The little me, the silly me.
Still using sister's laptop.Sigh... :( I miss my laptop so much. Boring weekend, what should I write? I am not going out today, will stay at home whole day. Nothing to do, I am lazy to do revision, exam is just end. I wish I could have a happy family day, but seems like it's impossible, right?

Last Thursday night, we visited cousin brother's new born baby girl. But she still don't have a name, maybe will be "媛". Everyone was happy, because my cousin brother married too many years, finally my sister-in-law get pregnant. :D I don't dare to touch and hug the baby, because it's so small and her hands so tiny. SO CUTE! Hehehe :)

Here is the photo baby girl with my eldest sister.
Actually all my photos steal from my sisters. :P

-End post-
Bye :)


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